Sunday, October 21, 2007

Long night ahead!

Ok, so I had a visit with Ron, the kids came and I fixed a delictibale Turkey dinner for them, we played UNO and had a great they are gone (and I am a little sad) and here I sit at 9:00PM with a paper due at 0800 in the morning and I have not started it. Even IF I get an extension, at the very least before I can go to bed, I must write a rough draft, which of course is the most painful part. Editing is easy. So......I am looking at burning the midnight oil for the second week in a row. So what am I doing here? Avoidance? to the draft.........which, "oh by the way" is an assessment of a large hospital and a plan of change to fix their problems, a job that would take a normal consultant weeks to develop........yeah....should be great fun. See ya on the flip side!

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