Friday, August 24, 2007

Good Friends..................

Good Times! Yesterday was the best day! Scott and Scott are a hell of a lot of fun! Our day began with a quick stop at the Michigan State Fair. We of course tasted a few of the regular fair food that is a must when visiting the fair. We then moved on to Greek Town in Detroit City. The casino proved to be a good place to visit, at least for Big Scott! He WON $146 bucks! I won $4, but in reality I lost $2, but hey, it was GREAT fun! We then enjoyed a yummy meal at Pegusus and a take home dessert stop from a bakery across the street.......HOLY cow.....that was very yummy! We then travled on to Sommerset..........a "collection" of stores.......SOME collection! It was true heaven. I was introduced to a store called LUSH and I am in love. It is a "cosmetic store" of sorts....with all of these hand made soaps and lotions and bath oils........I definatly have ideas for Christmas now! I stopped by Papyrus and stocked up on cards.....I LOVE that store. I didn't realize this until today, but that store is also at I will have easy access to more!! I then was treated to Bahama Breeze.........It was THE best meal I have had in a long time.........steak Kaboobs....garlic mashed potatoes and Cadillac Margaritas! Oh, yum....I seriously would like that same meal right now....LOL. Of course this was NOT a weight watchers day.......but it is all good....I am back on the wagon today! My dear friends, were very generous with their time......allowing me to drag around with them and taking me to see so much and allowing me to blabber doesn't find better friends! Thanks guys!

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