Different Day. Nothing new to report, just working on the next to the last round of homework, kicking back a little. Trying to NOT read any of the 3 new books I bought while at the bookstore yesterday ;o) There will be no absolute relief about the coaching situation until at least Sunday, however my guess is sometime next week. (just in case you were coming here to find out the latest, and that was just said with tongue in cheek) I have been having quite the animated conversation with a new OSU friend I made recently and that has been great fun! (Thanks Roy for making my week just a little more interesting!)
Ok, that about does it.
PS..... Scott, I didn't hear back from you last night, so I will be calling you, hopefully that means margaritas for me soon :o)
I think I am enjoying our conversations more and more. If they become too animated you might have to back down, take a step back, and reanalyze your position on occasion.
That I will! I love the the new Profile Pic! (well, sort of....LOL)
I don't think coaching is the real problem. A few minor technique changes and who knows what might happen!
Really now.....I would be interested in hearing what those minor changes would be!
Now that I think about it, no real changes are needed except to expand the offense. If one side could open up a bit, and the defense close down a bit I think magical things would happen. The back side defense would benefit.
Oh aren't you the clever coach! Maybe they will take your advice and we shall see if it works!
well, by closing down it would tighten the grip on the run game. the front side might open up but a good coach knows how to clamp down on that. you cant let the two guys in the middle run free, someone has to be in control!
Ahhh, see it DOES come back to the coach afterall......all that is needed is a good coach to be in control. Maybe you should turn in your resume and become the next coach!
I dont coach as well as I would like to think but someone has to be in control. I think the coach should be willing to take control in any situation though, don't you agree? Seems like lately the coach has been too willing to take one on the jaw. I mean, there comes a time when the coach, and team, should just swallow the loss and live with it
Ouch! I do see your point, however some losses are harder to swallow than others and may take a little something extra to help them go down a bit smoother.....sort of like a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. (Ok, so I used a Mary Poppins analogy for football, yikes)
Good point, even with the reference, but sometimes the losses spill over to a new part of the season. When that happens cleaning up afterwards becomes more difficult. On top of that there are those that like to rub it in!
ahhhh.....so true, it is best to take care of the loss before the new season. Rubbing it in can be fun though, if you are the one doing the rubbing.
well, taking care of the loss that season does a lot to improve morale, but rubbing it in helps as well. perhaps allowing the victor to pull back and spew his vitriol all around would mitigate that a bit. then again, you might be better off just sucking it up and dealing with the loss
I can see the advantage to either option, I suppose it depends on who the victor is and if his vitriol would be too much to handle.
well, knowing how the victors tend to act, take their shit and just see what happens. there is almost always enough to go around, but it always depends. then again, you could save you the others some trouble and take all of it. doesnt seem like they want to bother
Actually......in thinking about this....the balanced path is always best.....I say the best way is to go with both options....let it spew a little and rub it in, then just swallow the loss and move on.
balance is good, but if you arent careful that could come around and bite you in the ass. everyone doesn't turn the other cheek. and who wants to get bitten like that!
Ahhhh....but there is always Karma.....and of course, do unto others as you would have them do unto you!!!
A good rule to live by, but sometimes when our back is to the wall we have to really come out. And the other person has to be ready to catch that and take it
Indeed! Get that catcher's mitt softened up!
So now we are talking baseball? OK, if I remember correctly, softening up a mitt properly takes time, some massaging and a bit of conditioning oil.
It sounds like you have it well in hand....you don't miss a beat! (I didn't expect anything less!)
I try my best to grasp every thing that comes my way as well as possible. You really have to stay on top of the situation not to miss a beat, but can't let the daily grind get to you too much
Yes, that daily grind. However if you are staying on top of things, the daily grind can be quite piquant.
You are right, nothing wrong with the grind. But sometimes it doesn't hurt to reverse course and face things from a new perspective
I certainly am one that believes strongly in reversing course and gaining a new perspective, you have to take a wide stance in that situation.
I would agree. Sometimes you also need to narrow your focus, maybe also look behind you to see where things are coming from
Absolutely knowing what is behind you can only make things better......sometimes without looking, you can just feel what is there and know it is going to push you forward.
Get a room!
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