Thursday, November 08, 2007

Valuable Lessons

I continue to learn valuable lessons. I realize that is life and since I am still living (thank goodness) I will continue to learn. I have not proven myself competent at setting my personal boundaries. I have the roomate situation, of which I need to do something more about. I have learned from this situation and will use some of what I have learned to keep my boundaries in another situation. My plan is to have the roomate situation resolved by December 7th. That is the last day of classes for this term, then she will need to do something different. The thing about this situation is in MANY ways, it is not about her. Yes, there are issues that make it more precarious, it really is more about my difficulty in sharing my space. This makes me feel horrible. I can not shake the panic feeling either. The combination is making me slightly nuts. I did have a hot cocoa with some baileys in it. May as well alcohol abuse to my list of coping skills. ;o) is my day to plan my program, so I need to get back to that. I just wanted to type some of these thoughts out loud. Here is to panic falling is a bit immobilizing. Peace.

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