Thursday, July 12, 2007


Holy Tetris! We packed SO much stuff in that felt like playing Tetris. There are some things that did not the middle of the panic of "how the hell am I going to get all of this stuff to Ann Arbor" I called my dad and said....."what ya doing on Saturday?" So he helped me to not panic by saying he would load up his truck on Saturday with the rest of my stuff, if I couldn't get it all in the truck. THEN....Ben arrived with Emily (his girlfriend, who is coming with us) and they said that her parents offered to let her drive their van to Ann Arbor.....the one that if you take out the can put a bunch of shit in it........woohoooo!!!! So...Ben and Emily will load the rest of it in the van while I am at the dentist and POOF....we will be on our way.......(boy, does that sound way too easy!) I feel much better just having the truck loaded. clean the house....and get to bed!

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