Sunday, July 08, 2007


Wow.....I feel humble.....full to the staff honored me today with words that paid tribute to me in such a way that it almost hurts inside. That is an interesting feeling, to feel so much that it a good way of course! Everyone in their life time should be able to feel that special and loved......honestly......I am so honored........Many gifts as well....a money tree.....a handmade quilt, handmade scarves.....a goody basket with chocolate (lots of chocolate) and yummy spa items.........really........a special handmade book that they wrote thoughts in.....and inbetween the pages of this book, are pieces of handmade paper that have one word on them...........each paper has a word that a different member of my staff wanted me to take with me........some say Fatih......some say Peace.......they all say love in one way or another......

Do you know how much courage it took for me to leave this job.....that everyone loves me.....cares so much about me.......and thinks I am so move to a city that no one knows me.....I have no idea how I am going to pay my bills....etc...etc......folks.........this is the most courageous thing I have ever done..........and I have done some courageous things......I am following my intuition...........and it better be right! LMAO! I feel very blessed by good friends.......incredible people that have crossed my path.....Deep breath.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One thing I have learned in my hospice work is that, in grief, if you listen, your heart will tell you what to do. You've listened well, grasshopper. Don't doubt your decision. The only direction to move in is forward.