Sunday, November 30, 2008


One more week and this term is over! The end of this term signifies that I am half way finished with my course work! Yeah me! Of course the end of the term doesn't equal into much of a break for me as I have MANY things to do during the break, but at least I won't have to go to class and work on 3 different projects each week! I am going to organize the break though and be sure to get a day or two of Catie time in there!

Having the kids here was great fun. Next Saturday I will go see them again as it is Christmas with my father. Christmas isn't much fun when you have no money, but we are doing the best we can. Dave's new job is only 20 hours a week. I was seriously considering getting a seasonal job at Macy's, however the uncertainty of when surgery for organ donation would occur hindered that thought. My research position should pick up a bit over the break, which will bring in some funds. Dave has made such a good impression at his job that it is very likely he will go full time after the first of the year and possibly even "move up", of course I will receive additional funding in January, so I think the financial situation will be greatly eased after December.

One week peeps......ONE MORE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o)


Anonymous said...

Big Here......Sounds like things are hopefully turning in the right direction for you both. Miss ya

Anonymous said...

Hey you! Don't forget to schedule in a Wicked fun night on Dec 20th!

Catie said...

Oh my! We need to talk!