Monday, May 19, 2008

Here we go!

Another week! I have a fairly busy schedule this week. #1 thing that I need to do is reorganize my Yale paper (revise the draft), I have a assorted list of appointments and I need to finish my program plan. I also have the meeting with the big guy at the big health system that I need to prepare for. Also funding requests that I sent out last week need to be followed up on. Oh......and a date ;o)

The roommate is moved in and all is well at this point.

I will start working out with my workout partner this week (she cancelled last week) and I am going to order the Medifast diet this week and hopefully begin that next week. (although next Tuesday is my birthday, so I may have one day of a little bit of cheating! (meaning a few drinks)

Basically, I have a plan and I am working my plan. And I am damn excited about it!

Now to get ready for an 8 am meeting (why would I schedule a meeting at 8am on Monday? So I can get my ass moving at the start of the week!)

I wish you all a joyous, peaceful week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May I suggest waiting until after the B-day? You see.... One day of cheating means 3 days of headache and general blah feelings while your body tried to get back to burning fat for fuel (rather than carbs and sugar). The first 3 days on the diet aren't fun in the least. You don't want to re-live those days. That's what motivates me. lol