Friday, February 22, 2008

Day 10

Day 11 was not as productive as I would have liked it to be. I am going over to the Apple Store for my one on one training. when I bought my computers I purchased the one on one training and have only used it once. So I figure I should get my ass over there more. I have a touch iPod and I have a bunch of questions on how to get all of my mac products to sync together. Mostly they do, but some things don't. So.....I am doing that this morning.....then back to the books.

Tomorrow I am having tea with one of my "boy" friends. He is going to read my I Ching! I am excited for that. He is a cool dude, and of course this is strictly platonic with no option for it to be anything other than that which is better for me to have friends and not think about love right now (that switch had to go off!!).

Speaking of the touch iPod........I am so in love with this soon as my contract on my phone is up........18 months? I will be getting an is just WAY too good. I don't like AT&T, but maybe in 18 months they will have other carriers...if not........I will is way too cool.

Ok....gotta run.........latersssssssss

Big and about dinner sometime soon?? Cards and laughs.....sound good??


Anonymous said...

Where did you get a Touch? WHEN did you get a Touch?

2 computers and a Touch? No wonder your broke! =)

We'll have to work on something. I'll mash up my schedule with Big's and see what happens. It may be like 4 weeks out, though. Maybe We'll bring some stuff over and cook for you!

Catie said...

I needed it for research hush! (and if you believe that......)

Someone to cook for ME?? Someone to take care of ME??? Like....does that ever happen??? *sigh* even just the thought made me feel good, so if it doesn't actually happen that still get points! :o)