Ok, the interview went well. I need to decide if I am going to take the job or not. I went to meet with my advisor and she is writing a grant for a research assistant and wants me to take be that assistant. That won't happen until Spring & Summer term. I can't take this job until then, it would not be fair to them. That sends me back to slinging coffee until I can become a research assistant though. Not sure what to do. In the meantime my advisor also wants me to submit an abstract to an ethics conference at Yale University. So that has been added to my list of things to do. Honestly though, my CV could use a presentation at Yale University on it, so I will go for it!
I have this GSI (Graduate Student Instructor) for one of my classes. He is a fifth year PhD student. He is really cute, but that is besides the point. He is so flippin smart. I was sitting there, listening to him talk and thinking, "Damn, I wish I was 25 again". Not to date him per say, but just to have a "do over" at life. Don't get me wrong, I love my life and it is getting better every single day, but if I would have gone to school and done all of this when I was 25 and met some smarty pants guy in graduate school, how fun that would have been. I get so turned on by guys who talk in complete sentences and use words that even I have to go home and look up in the dictionary! So, that didn't happen in my younger days, no reason it can't happen now! I am certainly in a location that makes the possibilities far more likely that it can happen. Might just be another reason to start slinging coffee ;o)
Ok, to that reading.....Peace.
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