Thursday, December 06, 2007

1 Days and 3 weeks.......

Well, life is just a fucking bowl of cherries! Let's just say, after tomorrow, I am not off for 3 weeks. Oh, Hell to the No on that one. If I focus I could have 2 weeks off, it will more likely be 1 week. I am not certain, but I do believe that someone forgot to stop the roller coaster and let me off, it just keeps winding around, up then down, up then down. Could someone just stop the fucking thing and let me off? Please. Do you know that I am PAYING for this, I am actually paying money for this.....LMAO!!!!! Which is exactly why I won't get off the shitty ride, I will at least get my money's worth, even if it kills me. there is a thought!

Have no fear. I am just swinging by a thread from one end of the spectrum to the other and the good thing about a swinging pendulum, it has to come to the center eventually. Please pardon my swinging........I really will find the center again. I promise.

Margaritas Saturday night, Margaritas Saturday night.....say it with me, Margaritas Saturday night!!!!!! (I think tying one on could be very beneficial, at least I don't have to worry about Scott and Scott taking advantage of me in that state! (darn it, I could probably use that too...LMAO!!!) to fix a paper that is due tomorrow...........I don't need more work to complete over the holiday break than I have already. Peace.


Anonymous said...

I don't have enough cash to bring you a celebratory gift..... But I WILL bring you a few cans of Vernor's. From the sounds of it, your going to need them Sunday morning. ROFL...

OH.... We can get drunk and do Oceany Flutters on our hands!

OH MY GOD.....
That little word verification you have to type to leave a comment says "shithol"

Catie said...

You mean I have to share my Oceany Flutters supplies with you? ;o) Ok, but only if Big does it with us!

Vernor's helps with a hang over? Wow, I never knew!

What time are you guys coming?

Shithol, a perfect word for how I feel tonight! LOL

Anonymous said...

Okey dokey - I counted 2 "fucks" and 1 "shit."
Time to start that deep breathing thing again or you're never going to make it to the Ph-fuckin'-D.
Also, go ahead and have that Margarita tomorrow night but not 8 of those suckers or you'll give up one of the precious days you're soooo looking forward to.
That's the end of my older womanly advice - for this day, anyway.

Anonymous said...

(Big here) Well my word verification is "easzcmin" Well since we cannot take advantage of you I will bring my toy for you....LMAO

Catie said...

I didn't say you couldn't take advantage of me, just sayin you won't.....LOL :P

Ellen my dear, I am a lush, 3 will probably be my max!! I just talk a big game :o)