Saturday, September 29, 2007

Apple Snob

It is true, I have now become an apple snob. I gave my PC laptop to my kids and here I sit typing on it, realizing that I wish I had not worn the battery down on my MacBook before I arrived at updating the blogging world. I will never go back to PC is all Apple from here on out...........Thanks Scott!

Michigan won today. I think that is about all I can say about that......I didn't get to watch the game (mainly because Comcast is ....well....I suppose I should not use that type of language on a public forum.....anyway....I also was not in A2 to get it on the point here folks is, by looking at the scoring......we played a terrible first half.......improved in the second half (or maybe Northestern simply decided to hand us the game on a silver any rate we did win, and a win is a win, particularly when we are not even rated in the top 25. Who knows, it is possible that we reach that status after this weekend, however I highly doubt it........but I still have a big GO BLUE!!!!!

I am at the kids house, it was VERY messy......I have a few more loads of laundry, then heading to bed. Tomorrow is more cleaning, and helping my daughter with her bedroom. She is a pack rat, and it gets to a point that she just can't do anything about I need to go in (with her of course) with lots of garbage bags and start tossing things in them and organizing what is left. She is in nursing school, working 2 jobs.....and her ex fiance who left her a month or so ago....she just found out that it was for a married woman with kids just about his age. So my daughter needed a little pick me up with her momma comming over to that is what I am doing. Ok....I might go to bed before I get the laundry done........I hope you are all having a great weekend!!!

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