Ok, just for you folks, a virtual tour of my new pad. The "office" is not quite settled and the bathroom has a few extra things on the counter. The living room photos came out dark, so I will have to get some better pics for you of ALL 4 chairs....just imagine 3 more chairs like the one you see......it looks like a martini bar! Small....but I love it. The entryway has my wall of PRIDE.....photos of the 3 children.....I LOVE looking at this wall.....great memories! The hall photo came out poorly, but I really enjoy the look of the hallway.
I really do LOVE the new stuff. Your place has such a calm and cool feeling. Very fresh!
Can't wait to see it in person!
When are you coming??? hee hee....seriously, we need to make a plan! And I don't like cabbage soup ;o)
Love the new digs - hmmmm - where's the "new do" pic, though?
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