Thursday, June 21, 2007

Oh MY!

I now have my bedroom furniture on layaway. (My new mattress is on my front porch). I do think I am going to put the red sofa and chaise in the garage sale and see if it sells. If it doesn't, then I will live with it.............and if it does sell, then I will buy NEW! I have to rent a Uhaul either way but I am trying to move as little as possible. (The bedroom furniture is on layaway at art van, of which there is one in A2, so I will pay it off once I am there and have them deliver it. Most of my furniture is in boxes, which means I will be assembling furniture for days once I move...LOL. I just bought a rocker for my deck. It is just fun, to get WHAT I want....this is MY time to have things that I want and like. My entire life has been having things that I bought at garage sales or people gave me. I am getting things deeply discounted, but I am at least buying things that I like! I am saving a few things to buy once I move in, and feel the space, then I will know what it needs. I did hear from my apartment complex today, they are putting in new carpet today! I also get to pick one wall to have them paint it whatever color I want. I want the living room wall done..............but until I know what my furniture is going to be in there, I can't decide on a color (I have always wanted a deep red painted wall) so, I am waiting on that choice. Ok.....I think I have blabbed on long enough. I hope all is well for you all......................~Peace~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You bring the boxes of furniture, we'll bring the booze and a tool box. I'm pretty sure we can find some lesbians to let us borrow their tool box.

Don't forget, there's an IKEA over here too!