Saturday, August 30, 2008

GO BLUE!!!!!!

Today is the first Michigan Football game. I am SOOOOO excited! I want to be down there early, I want to watch the band march the team into the locker room! My Michigan flag is hanging in the window, my pom poms are ready to go! Dave is a huge Michigan fan as well, he doesn't like to watch them from the stands, he prefers to watch on TV. No one has any idea what to expect from this new Michigan Era, I have a good feeling about it, although Utah is a worthy oppenent! Vegas has Michigan winning by 3.5 points and Vegas is pretty good at predicting.

On another note, the yard sale is only 3 weeks away, I can not tell you just how much I can not wait for this to happen. The piles of shit that are laying around this apartment are about to drive me insane! It makes Dave a bit nuts too and it creates a bit of tension for both of us. We are doing fine with it, but both of us are counting down the days until this will ALL be gone!!!!

School is ramping up in a very quick way, my schedule is getting very full very quickly. It is going to be a VERY busy term. I have a committee appointment as well as being a liaison to the incoming PhD class. My goal of course is to stay ahead of everything. It has to be better than my first year!

Ok, I need to go get ready for the game! Peace out and GO BLUE!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Having a life......

Now that I have Dave here, my time on the computer seems to be dwindling. I swear when I lived here alone, my computer was always on and I was checking it, surfing the web, etc. OFTEN! It isn't that he "keeps" me from it, in the sense that he is "controlling" me, it is just that we have so much fun together I don't even think about the computer. We sat on the deck for hours tonight, talking and just enjoying each others company, not once did I think about the computer! Now I am unable to fall asleep so rather than keep him awake, I got up and am surfing around a bit and I realized that it was Monday that I last posted here! So, having a life means that I don't have as much time to talk about my life...... :o)

Not that anyone is missing that , after all, I don't lead a terribly exciting life. I can tell you that this apartment is beyond a disaster zone. Aside from the garage sale things, we also have items that we are incorporating into the apartment, but are unable to due to the space being taken up by the garage sale items, so these items are stacked up in the living room (and the study, AND the ebay stuff is stacked up in the bedroom!) On top of all of that, there was some leak in the kitchen plumbing, which maintenance had to come and cut a hole in the wall to fix, now the hole is being fixed (and won't be finished until Monday) so the microwave is displaced as well as the microwave stand......and all of the items that I keep under the sink are sitting around in the kitchen..........a very uncomfortable situation which won't be resolved until after Sept 20th (the day of the garage sale) Oh, AND we still have things at Dave's old apartment that need to be brought over.........*sigh*

One more month, than this place will be much more comfortable. Until then, my OCD is having to take a back seat and relax a bit, there is no fretting over it, it is what it is, and it will get better eventually.

Dave is having a party (here!@!!@) for his employees on Tuesday........I will be going to TR for a few days......I have no desire to hang out with the boys from work and I have NO desire to have company when things look like they I am busting out of here and going home for a few days. (I think Dave is glad for that as I would be a big party pooper, I am pretty sure of that. It will also give him a day or two to clean up before I get home......Not a bad plan!

I suppose that is enough blabbing for one night! I think I am beginning to get tired now! (I bore myself!!!! hee hee)

I hope your weekend is great......Peace out!

Monday, August 18, 2008

2 weeks!

Holy cow, I only have 2 weeks left before the fall term begins! I do know that my schedule is going to be crappy on Mondays. My classes meet on Mondays only. I will be in class from 1pm until 9pm every single Monday. (oh that is going to hurt!) One of my classes only meets twice and I am not sure what those days are yet, but I can tell you that I will be singing the Monday blues all term! Dave has already agreed to pick me up from class each Monday night so I don't have to pay for 8 hours + of parking each week. I will take the bus in each Monday then he will pick me up (which will be very nice). He is going to take a class this fall as well to finish up something that he is working on.

I am editing my Yale paper for publication this week, as well as working on writing a grant. I also have my research and research project that remains on my plate. I didn't really get a "summer break", although I haven't had it too rough the last month. I also am the mentor for the incoming PhD students who are going bachelor degree to PhD. That was my big complaint about the program after my first year and I feel that there needs to be student mentoring for this group of students because it is extremely challenging. That will take up some of my time, however I am thrilled to be able to help the incoming class.

I have nothing of real interest to share beyond that (and yes, I realize that is not I hope that you are all doing well. Peace out!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


I finally crashed today. I have done a few things, but not half as much as I was planning to do. Dave's friend Steve is coming over for dinner and THIS is what he will get to see in the dining room (I hope he doesn't mind eating on the deck, sharing a seat with the kitties!

Needless to say, the garage sale can't happen soon enough!

I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

My oh my!

I have hardly been on the computer this last week. I have been busting it to get things settled around here, every day going over to Dave's old apartment and bringing more stuff here and trying to incorporate it. We have one more load to bring, then cleaning his apartment and then a garage sale to hold. I will get a photo for you all to see just how horrible it looks around here! Mostly it looks good, just the dining room that is over flowing with garage sale items. This weekend we are going to organize it and price it all so it will be ready to go.

Today however, I am heading over to Triple Ripple to help my mother move. Oye, my body is so tired, the last thing I want to do is to help her move since that is what I have been doing the last week, but she needs my help, so I am going! I will be back late tonight, maybe I can try to update you better tomorrow!


Thursday, August 07, 2008

Shout Out!

Giving you all a shout out! I can not believe that it is Thursday already! I have a feeling that this month is going to fly by! I am knee deep in writing my research proposal. I have a few irons in the fire this month, aside from getting Dave moved in. His work revolves a bit around Eastern Michigan University's school schedule and that is going to ramp up here in the next few weeks and he is going to be busting busy. He also just told me that "move in day" for the freshman is August 30th (which happens to be the first Michigan football game) I say all of that in order to say that this weekend is going to be the last weekend for us to get a lot done at his old apartment. The things that we have to sell at a garage sale is multiplying exponentially! Once we have the garage sale, things will be much easier to get settled. (We are not having the garage sale until September, mainly because that is when my apartment complex is having it).

Everything is going very well here with him here. We are really enjoying each other's company. It truly amazes me, but I am not complaining a bit!

Little called the other night and BAM........I have tickets to see Wicked!!!!!!!!! I am very excited about that! I am assuming it is in Detroit, in December. Cool huh? It is going to ROCK!

Ok......back to work......peace out!

Monday, August 04, 2008


Well, Dave is officially moved in. (For all intensive purposes) He still has things at his place and we have the rest of this month to get everything moved over and settled. It has made our lives more settled (and slightly unsettled as my apartment is in transition). It is really nice to have him here. August is our month to get settled and by the time September rolls around his work schedule is going to go bonkers and my school schedule will follow suit, so this is nice to have this time to adjust and get settled. I have plenty to keep me busy with research, paper writing and grant writing, along side the "nesting". I really wondered how I would do sharing my space with someone (given my 2 disasters with roommates) however, I think when you love someone it is much different and this (so far) has been a wonderfully pleasant experience (with the exception of his cat jumping off the balcony into a tree (small tree) without our knowledge, until about 4am when we heard him screaming, then of course a HUGE drama ensued in getting the damn cat down from the tree!)

I am certified as OCD according to Dave. I am a "neat freak" and he is basically as well, I just am a bit more OCD about it than he is. He is (and has been) very good about picking up after himself and cleaning. He cooks more than I do (and he prefers to). Sharing the "chores" hasn't been an issue. It is interesting to me as it has been 20 years since I "took care" of a man and this just feels completely natural. I opened up the closet and saw all of his shirts hanging and I said "omg, there is a boy living here!" :o)

I had the flu at the end of last week (I think I mentioned I wasn't feeling well) my guess is some sort of flu bug. I feel much better now!

We are planning to have a dinner party sometime in September, sort of a "house warming" type thing for our friends to meet the other. I will provide details as it becomes more solid. (expect late September as the garage sale will need to be finished by then (oye the things we have to sell!!)

Friday, August 01, 2008

Michigan Football

Well, the count down has begun! Only 28 days left to the first game of the season! The Coaches poll has Michigan ranked at #24, which is better than other polls. I am really hoping that we have a great season. With the new "regime" there is a chance that we could really suck, but I am leaning towards us blowing everyone's mind! At the very least I am hoping that we keep our bowl game streak, it would be totally awesome though to see this new "regime" take us into the top 10 by the end of the season!

I have not been feeling great the last few days, today was the worst. I am feeling a bit better and looking forward to a relaxing evening with Dave. We are going to head to the grocery store and get some yummy fruit (and probably some bread and cheese) and just hang out at home and watch a movie or something relaxing. Sounds perfect to me. We have a lot to accomplish tomorrow and I have data to finish putting into the data base and a research proposal to work on. I think we are going to move some of his things over to my apartment tomorrow. The goal is to have him moved in by the end of the month. It will be nice to have "one" place and not split our time, energy and resources between 2 apartments.

I hope that you all have a great weekend!